Benchmarking Tool

Welcome to the Benchmarking Tool!

This tool will help you as teacher, trainer, practitioner in a VET institution or as head of a VET institution to identify how “green” you already are. This means that it will help you to reflect

  • on the green strategies you and your institution already adopted,
  • on your willingness to adopt new green strategies,
  • on the barriers you encounter when wanting to implement green strategies.

The results of the benchmarking tool will identify areas of improvement for teachers, VET trainers or practitioners, directors and institutions as a whole.

When you start the Benchmarking Tool, you will be asked to answer some questions related to various areas identified as important for evaluating your green strategy. These areas are: Accurate Accessible Information, Education and Training, Future Workforce, Human and Financial Resources, Policy and Governance, Professional Development, Promotion and Awareness, Sustainable Behaviour.

After completing the Benchmarking Tool, you will be shown the score you reached in the single areas and you will receive some suggestions about possible improvements. You then may also want to check the Matching Tool to see how you may reach out to other like-minded institutions.

Enjoy your green journey!

Accurate Accessible Information
Education and Training
Future Workforce
Human and Financial Resources
Policy and Governance
Professional Development
Promotion and Awareness
Sustainable Behaviour